Marbled Fritillary (Brenthis daphne)

Male. Taken at Irinovac, Croatia, on June 5th 2017.
(1/160th sec at f14. © David Hastings)

Female. Taken at Plazishte, Bulgaria on June 22nd 2014.
(1/320th sec at f13. © David Hastings)

Underside. Taken at Zhelezari, Bulgaria, on June 21st 2014.
(1/160th sec at f11. © David Hastings)


Family: Heliconiinae

Wing span: 40-45mm

The Marbled Fritillary is names after the marbling on the underside of the hind-wing.

It is mainly found in southern and central Europe.

It frequents bushy, flowery places, often in woodland clearings.

It is univoltine, with adults being on the wing from late May to early August. It hibernates as an ovum or small larva.

The laval foodplants are Bramble (Rubus fruticosus) and Raspberry (Rubus idaeus).

Adults often feed on Bramble flowers.


21-Jul-2018 : Vercors Natural Park, France

07-Jun-2017 : Gracac, Croatia
06-Jun-2017 : Irinovac, Croatia

23-Jul-2015 : Pirin Mountains, Bulgaria
23-Jul-2015 : nr Novo Hodzhovo, Bulgaria
22-Jul-2015 : nr Lilyanovo, Bulgaria
21-Jul-2015 : nr Petrovo, Bulgaria
20-Jul-2015 : nr Samokov, Bulgaria

24-Jun-2014 : nr Novo Hodzhovo, Bulgaria
24-Jun-2014 : Mesta River fishponds, Bulgaria
22-Jun-2014 : Plazishte, Bulgaria
21-Jun-2014 : nr Gugutka, Bulgaria
21-Jun-2014 : Byal gradets, Bulgaria
20-Jun-2014 : Golobradovo, Bulgaria
18-Jun-2014 : nr Mirkovo, Bulgaria

29-Jun-2010 : Vienne, France
28-Jun-2010 : Vienne, France
27-Jun-2010 : The Brenne, Loire Valley, France
26-Jun-2010 : The Brenne, Loire Valley, France
24-Jun-2010 : The Brenne, Loire Valley, France