Red Underwing Skipper (Spialia sertorius)

Taken at St Jean en Royan, France, on July 19th 2018.
(1/640th sec at f13. © David Hastings)


Family: Hesperiidae

Wing span: 22 - 26mm

The Red Underwing Skipper is rather variable, but can usually be distinguished from similar species by the dark reddish-brown colour of the hindwing underside. The upper side of the wings are dark brown with small white spots. The sexes are similar.

It is found in southern and central Europe and North Africa. It is a species of mountainous regions.

Typical habitats are scrubland, woodland clearings and flower-rich meadows up to 1600m.

There are two generations per year, April-June and July-August.

The main larval foodplant is Salad Burnet, but other rosaceous plants are sometimes used.


23-Jul-2018 : Vercors Natural Park, France
19-Jul-2018 : Vercors Natural Park, France