Bright-eyed Ringlet (Erebia oeme)

Taken in the Velebits National Park, Croatia, on June 10th 2017.
(1/200th sec at f16. © David Hastings)

Taken in the Velebits National Park, Croatia, on June 10th 2017.
(1/250th sec at f16. © David Hastings)


Family: Satyrinae

Wing span: 44 - 52mm

This species has sooty-brown uppersides. Eye-spots vary in number but the white pupils are very bright. It closely resembles the Woodland Ringlet.

Endemic to Europe; confined to higher mountains from the W Pyrenees, through the Alps to N Greece.

Its habitat is damp meadows, stream beds and hillside marshes, generally between 1500 and 2100m.

There is one brood between mid-June and early August.

Larvae feed on grasses, sedges and rushes.


10-Jun-2017 : Velebits National Park, Croatia