Pink-barred Sallow (Xanthia togata)

Taken at Kennington, Oxon., on September 24th 2023.
(1/121st sec at f1.8. © David Hastings)


Family: Noctuidae

Wing span: 26 - 32mm

This moth has a bright orange-yellow slightly hooked fore-wing, with deep pink or reddish-brown markings. The pink bar is a roughly diagonal band from the leading edge to half-way along the trailing edge. Its pinkish head and shoulders distinguish it from other Sallows.

It can be found throughout the British Isles.

It is most frequent in broad-leaved woodland, carr, marshes and fens, but also other places where the larval foodplants grow.

There is one generation per year, September to October in the south, and August to October in the north. It over-winters as an egg.

Larvae feed on the catkins of sallows and poplars, later on herbaceous plants such as docks.

It comes to light and sugar, and feeds on Ivy flowers and over-ripe blackberries.


24-Sep-2023 : Kennington, Oxon (1)