Reddish Light Arches (Apamea sublustris)

Taken at Aston, Oxon., on June 13th 2023.
(1/250th sec at f11. © David Hastings)


Family: Noctuidae

Wing span: 36 - 42mm

This species is similar to the Light Arches, but is generally smaller and darker. The diagnostic features are clearly-defined reddish-brown wedges on the outer edge, and a central brown bar.

It is fairly well distributed in central southern and south-east England. Local elsewhere, and absent from Scotland.

Habitats are said to be chalk and limestone grassland, breckland, sand-dunes and shingle. However it can also be found on non-calcareous grassland.

There is one generation from June to July. It over-winters as a larva.

Larvae feed on the flowers, seeds and roots of grasses.

It comes to light from dusk.


13-Jun-2023 : Aston, Oxon (1)